What makes a successful Website?

by webmotivation

YouTube video

I have built and developed so many successful websites for my clients, these are 6 things that come together to really work for them and I know will work for you too. Click my video for a more detailed explanation.

  1. The Website platform you use

A website platform is how you go about creating a website. Wix, Weebly, Squarespace etc are a basic web model with limiting functionality. Whereas WordPress is all encompassing allowing you to do so much more behind the scenes.

Fear not though if you do have an alternative website platform: Wix, Weebly, Squarespace etc and you like the look and feel it but want to get into the proactive world of WordPress I can certainly help you transport the design across to WordPress. If you’re at that point please get in touch to see how I can help you.

  1. Something to Promote

There are 2 basic questions to ask yourself. What is the purpose of your website and what do you want it to promote and achieve?

This will also help with measuring the performance of your website as how can you honestly evaluate the success of your digital marketing if you have no goals or purpose in place?

  1. The Copy and Words you use

This bit really takes time to consider especially at the beginning to really reflect you and reinforce your business message which is invaluable.

You may not need to be a copy writer you do need to spend time thinking about what you want to say. If your website and the way you communicate doesn’t reflect you using sound and voice, there is a disharmony people won’t feel the force of you. Check the video for more insightful tips of what to include on your website from a copy perspective.

  1. Good images work

Images, pictures, photos we all like to look at a good image. This is exactly what we want on our website.

Pictures are inspiration and motivational. The right pictures with the right words are a very powerful combination. For those that don’t know there are photo libraries out there where you can access any photo to suit any business purpose. Check the video for royalty image example sites you can refer to.

  1. Make Mobile and Computer Navigation Easy

You need to design your pages well so people (your web visitors) don’t have to hunt around for information.

In the world of websites the above the fold gets more attention and therefore more valuable than the below the fold content so do structure your website pages in this way.

  1. Make your Website load fast…

Fast…just like Usain Bolt Google and other search engines simply want a fast loading user friendly website. The 2 things that slow down your website are your existing content and the way you present as well as your basic website hosting on shared servers. More info on this coming next time…

Next time I will be talking about…what makes WordPress work for you.

Until then. May the Force be with you.



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