Playing with a Google monster – Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) & Google Maps.

by webmotivation

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What makes Google a monster? Google is forever changing. It’s rules and regulations are ever changing and you never really get hold of it.

It’s a bit like trying to catch a chicken you try to catch it and it keeps running away. But if you want your web chicken caught I can train you in the art of catching your chicken known as SEO.

But what is SEO? It is Search Engine Optimisation and it’s the process of ranking highly on search engines so more of your customers or potential customers can actually find you.

But why is it so important? Well 96% of your customers or potential customers use Google. By optimising your website you reach all search engines including Google.

Did you know in the world of local market promotion it has been reported (not by me!) that more people are searching for local businesses, products and services than ever before. Yellow pages (remember them) and other paper directories are very much yesterday’s approach.

The rise is very much on local searches and people wanting to buy from local companies which presents a huge opportunity for you. The rise is perhaps even greater now before and after lockdown with everyone referring back to digital.

Are you ready to take the steps to truly optimise your website?

Getting yourself Exposed on the web.

There are 3 main options for you:

  1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation form the natural rankings, where you want to be.

Plus it’s free once you know how to do this properly for yourself.

  1. Getting yourself exposed with Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC or pay per click is where you pay Google a fee to show your ads to get them to show your ads instantly.

Ideally you want to be in both places which is great for brand awareness.

The key to Ads or PPC is you set up your ads with the keyword focus, which is where most people go wrong to get your ads shown to as many relevant people as possible.

  1. Google My Business

Otherwise known as Google maps is where you can register your physical location.

This section is frequently appearing in search results. Your customers can leave testimonials and reviews.

Next time I will be talking about…Driving Social Media, Blogging & Google Analytics.

Until then. May the Force be with you.



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